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Jooyoung joined as an undergraduate intern.

April 1, 2020

Welcome, Jooyoung!

Seung-Won’s work was published on Nucleic Acids Research.

January 25, 2020

In collaboration with Patel lab, this work revealed the role of C-terminal domain of the mitochondrial transcription initiation factor Mtf1 in controlling early transcription fidelity and the transition to elongation.

We are participating in a newly launched SRC program of NRF, Cellular Responses to Metabolic Stress Research Center

September 1, 2018

The goal of this multi-disciplinary research center, led by Dr. Hyug Moo Kwon, is to reveal the mechanisms of cellular and inter-cellular responses to metabolic stress and the metabolic reprogramming.

Naren received Samsung Humatech Paper Award. Congratulations Naren!

February 7, 2017

Background-Free Visualization of Genomic Loci for Live Tracking of Chromosome Dynamics

Multiplexed CRISPR imaging

Hayoon received best poster presentation award at The Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology (KSMCB). Congratulations Hayoon!

January 20, 2017

Single molecule studies of the transcription initiation dynamics of yeast mitochondria

Nara received best poster presentation award in UNIST. Congratulations Nara!

June 3, 2016

Multiplexed CRISPR imaging for visualization of real-time chromatin dynamics

Songyi Lee joined the lab. Welcome, Songyi!

September 1, 2015

Allyson Roberts from Johns Hopkins is visiting for 2 months thru SPIKE program. Let’s welcome Allyson!

July 1, 2015

Ha-Yoon Cho joined the lab. Welcome, Ha-Yoon!

March 1, 2015

Hyunju Kang joined the lab. Welcome, Hyunju!

January 17, 2015

Narendra Chaudhary joined the lab (from IMCB, Singapore). Welcome, Narendra!

December 1, 2014

Open positions at all levels.

August 14, 2014

We have open researcher positions at all levels: tenure-track researcher, postdoctoral researcher, PhD program, MS program, and undergraduate researcher program. The successful applicant will be affiliated with the Granick IBS center ( and get competitive supports both financially and scientifically. We are building a focused multi-national team within the center to work collaboratively on the science of soft and living matter. It will provide exceptional chances for cross-disciplinary collaborations with outstanding scientists internationally. Students will be primarily affiliated with UNIST and get support from the IBS center (through an additional affiliation) or the government-funded BK21+ program.

Please contact Hajin Kim ( with your CV and brief introduction (+ at least 2 references for postdoctoral positions).

Research paper accepted by Nature Methods.

August 13, 2014

This work was to improve the hydrophobic surface for use in single molecule measurements.

Lab webpage opens!

July 28, 2014
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